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Head Over Heels
Songs by The Go-Go's;
Based on "The Arcadia" by Sir Philip Sidney
Conceived and Original Book by Jeff Whitty
Adapted by James Magruder
Sept. 17- Oct. 1, 2022
Mainstage Theater
A hilarious, exuberant celebration of love, this bold musical comedy follows the escapades of a royal family on an outrageous journey to save their beloved kingdom from extinction - only to discover the power of unconditional love and acceptance no matter their gender or identity, and uses some of the greatest pop rock hits of the 20th century.

Creative Team
Director ............................................ Leo Cortez
Stage Manager .......... Zalissa Re Johnson
Musical Director ............................. Don Dally
Choreographer ........... Camrin E. Dannelly
Costumes ........................... Rebecca Rankin
Acting & Vocal Coach ...... Jeff Hinderscheid

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